Monday 20 April 2015


We don't like to boast - but it appears we are a rather marvellous book club.
We have been picked as one of the 12 book clubs who have been asked to review the books short-listed for the Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction. I am not sure how many applied - but I am telling people it was thousands.
Following the 'congratulations' email there has been much excitement here at the Glos Lit Lovers HQ.  Well, we got a bottle of Baileys and bunting. YES - bunting. Our member Sarah is particularly fond of Bunting, and a number of us are fond of Baileys. Happy days.
Oh, and did I mention we get 10 copies of one of the short-listed books to read?
We only have to keep this blog updated and send out tweets about our progress and our views and the job is done.
So keep a look out for the updates. Sorry we can't share the Baileys.

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